‘Our day was much more than just perfect and I can’t put it into words. I mean there can’t be only words to describe how it feels to say YES to the man I love the most beside our wonderful cute son Moritz. I was overwhelmed with emotions from the very first minute of the day.’ – Check out Theresa and Christian’s romantic castle wedding which took place in Austria.
Would you tell our readers something about your background? Where were you born, how did you meet your husband?
We are both now 30 years old and were born in Upper Austria. We met each other on a football pitch. And it was more or less love at first sight. After seeing each other for the very first time, my husband found me on Instagram and Facebook and we got in contact via social media followed by a few real dates. After these dates, we decided to be a couple, and we moved in together very soon. Followed by my pregnancy after 1,5 year of relationship.
I love love love our story. Quite simple but perfect to us.

How was the proposal?
I was 4 months pregnant and my husband said he wanted to surprise me by finding out the sex of our baby. The doctor wrote the word on a sheet and we put it in an envelope. It was the Friday before Christmas 2017 and we had dinner at our favourite Italian restaurant in Linz. After dinner we reserved a room in the hotel we stayed in a few times before we were together. The room was decorated full of roses and candles and music from Coldplay. He first gave me a photo book he had designed for me from the last 2 years together. I looked through it and after the last page he said that I should stand up and he asked me the question of all questions. And I said yes – fully surprised!!!
Why did you choose your wedding location?
We chose „Schloss Mühldorf” in Upper Austria for our wedding location because of the romantic scenery around the castle. It’s one of the most sought over wedding locations in Upper Austria. There was a possibility for all our guests to take a room in the castle hotel. Furthermore, the bar, the dance floor and the dining tables were all together in one room, so it was a really good party and everyone was together the whole night. We loved the castle arch and the harmonious surrounding.

How and why did you choose your wedding dress, your Daalarna gown?
I had my appointment at Feinstens approximately nine months before our big day. I tried on four dresses with sleeves and mine was the first without sleeves, and I was in love from the very first fitting and I knew it: this dress is the dress of my dreams! I was so happy – I can’t put it into words. I found the dress of my dreams within a few minutes.
I must admit I was in love with the Daalarna collection long before my fitting and I knew if I choose a gown at Feinstens it will be a Daalarna one! So much love for my gown!!!

How was the big day? What are your favourite memories?
Our day was much more than just perfect and again I can’t put it into words. I mean there can’t be only words to describe how it feels to say YES to the man I love the most beside our wonderful cute son Moritz. I was overwhelmed with emotions from the very first minute of the day. It was the 9th of June 2019 and I couldn’t have wished for a better wedding day.
The getting ready with my sister and my bridesmaids, the first time I met my husband’s gaze, the wedding ceremony, the weather, the emotions, the guests, the location, the dinner, the drinks, the laughter, the love and of course the dress of my dreams – my Daalarna gown – and many more things made the day simply one of the best days of our lives.
We don’t take all the things that happened on our day for granted, we are simply blessed and over the moon, for living our dream together.
The first shared look with my husband was much more emotional than I thought it would be – as we had already had our civil wedding five months before, and because we were a little bit stressed before the wedding – but on that day, when we saw each other for the very first time in our outfits as bride and groom we both cried our tears out, and were just happy that our day was here now, and that our love is unconditional. In the moment of the first look, nobody was with us. Just me and you. Just us two (and the photographer and the filmers 😉 ).

Which were the most beautiful moments of the event?
One of the most beautiful moments was the moment when my husband made his speech and cried from the beginning when he started talking about me. He had no words for a few seconds, minutes because he was just crying because of loving me from the bottom of his heart. All our guests encouraged him with clapping and then he found the most perfect words „I want to thank you for organizing our perfect wedding day, but I want to thank you much more for being the best mum to our son, and the best wife in the world.” – then both of us were crying on the stage.
Furthermore, the words from my 82-year-old grandma and the words from my sister were also quite emotional and we both cried again and again.

Do you have some special traditions in your country when it comes to weddings?
The traditions are not really typical for all of Austria but in our area, it is common that the two fathers (father of the bride and father of the groom) are the best men. It is also quite common that the bride and groom do not stay together the night before the wedding.
If you could give one piece of advice to our future brides, what would it be?
Enjoy every single moment of your big day as the day goes by too fast. Just be thankful, smile as much as you can and wear a Daalarna gown!
Photography: Katrin Wieser, Wedding dress: Daalarna Couture / Feinstens, Location:
Schloss Mühldorf, Austria
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