If you are in a romantic relationship which isn’t right for you, you will always have the feeling that something is missing. Even if you cannot define what it is exactly. On the other hand, if you find Mr Right, there will be no more unanswered questions, everything will be crystal clear and obvious: that is love. Here are 10 signs to help you decide if he is the one for you.
Game over
True love is not a game, you don’t have to worry why he didn’t send a text, why he didn’t call, you don’t need to stress about how many minutes to wait before you text back, or if you can just call for a chat. Communication flows easily and naturally between you right from the beginning, both in the real and virtual world.
You are the most beautiful person in his eyes
If someone really loves you then he doesn’t have issues with your appearance, he is happy if you are comfortable with your look. For him, you are just as beautiful drinking your morning coffee with tousled hair in an old baggy T-shirt, as you are sitting in the opera house with smokey eyes in a silk evening dress.
The fantastic effect of this is that you feel more and more attractive, and at the same time less and less concerned about your appearance from an objective point of view

He respects those you respect and doesn’t question your choice why certain people are important in your life. He is polite and kind to your family and friends even when they are not all his personal favourites.
It is much more important for him to understand why you like someone than to prove they are not good enough for you.
If you are in a mutually loving relationship then you feel freer than if you were alone. True love doesn’t trap the loved one in a cage, but rather encourages them to soar. It offers strength, faith and support so that the world opens up in front of you, and you can follow your dreams with self-confidence.

Perfect as it is
If he is the one for you then you don’t know a greater person in the whole world. You cherish and respect him even though you know all his little flaws and weaknesses. And it works both ways. You feel appreciated and respected every day.
Your biggest fan
Your true love is also your number one fan. He is never jealous of your success, always supportive in everything, after all, your happiness is his happiness too.
He believes in you in even the most difficult situations, even when you doubt yourself.

The chemistry
From the very beginning, you loved to kiss him, and that hasn’t changed despite the fact you have been together for years. A kiss doesn’t just show how well the chemistry works between two people but also reveals a lot about whether sexual desire or love is stronger in their relationship. With the right person a kiss is a fantastic experience in itself, not just exciting because it is a part of foreplay -in fact, if you are really in love then you share many kisses not leading to sex.
You feel secure beside him, and that includes emotional security. If something causes pain, then you turn to him first because you know he will always listen and comfort you.
The reason is simple, if someone really loves you, then he completely accepts you and never judges you, so you never have to feel ashamed in front of him.

Together is best
You love being with him, and he with you. Anytime for any length of time. That’s not simply because you enjoy each other’s company, but because instinctively you know what the other needs. If he needs quiet, then you can find a quiet place together, if a hug then a hug.
Being together is never a burden because you don’t hold each other back from letting go.
You are good just the way you are
You never have to play a role, you can be yourself shortcomings and all. Funny enough those are becoming less and less since you met, you are becoming a better person.
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